

"All Art Derives From Play"
A quote by Johan Huizinga which I totally embrace in my work.
Since 2004 I have a practice as a visual artist. In this practice I examine inside the two-dimensional domain the way we perceive the world around us and how form and meaning are established. Parallel to this practice, I also design applied games.

In 2013 I graduated with a Master’s degree in Education in Arts at HKU University of the Arts in Utrecht.  I got introduced to ‘ludodidactiek’ and graduated with a game ‘Tell your ARTtale’. A game designed to play in museums for Contemporary and Fine Art. Also in this game is the way how we perceive art and how we give meaning to art, key.

Since then I have been fascinated by play and games and the similarities and parallels between the artist's practice and creative process, and what it means for us as human beings in everyday life.
Out of this quest 'Inner Play in a Study Narrative' arose. Together with sports philosopher Imara Felkers, I have developed a method in which students gain more ownership over their studies through play and philosophy. In this method, games and play are embedded in personal development and professionalisation. At the moment we also offer training and workshops on how to apply inner play in any narrative.

Currently, next to this practice, I teach at HKU - Master of Education in Arts, HKU - Master Crossover Creativity & HKU - Bachelor of Design for Change and Innovation,  and I give workshops ‘ludodidactiek’ commissioned by HKU Creative Transformation